Focus Areas

Also called a “Lazy eye”; Others recommend patching the good eye. We help you use both eyes.

A “turned”eye. We use non-surgical, non-invasive techniques to help the patient straighten their eye and work towards seeing 3D.

Convergence Insufficiency
Does print move? Do you get headaches or double vision when reading or using the computer? You could have convergence insufficiency.

In their book, The Mislabeled Child , Drs. Brocke and Fernette Eide discuss how visual problems can masquerade as ADD or ADHD. We understand that good attention and the ability to concentrate are a function of a well developed visual system. Brain science has demonstrated that 80% of the fibers feeding into the brain’s attention center called the RAS (Reticular Activating System); the area effected by medications for ADD/ADHD come from the visual system.

Autism / Down’s Syndrome / Developmental Delays
Humans are not born with Vision; only limited eyesight. Vision is learned through development and through movement to  eventually become our dominant sensory process. For those who are delayed developmentally, have sensory processing difficulties, or have physical restrictions; vision will also be affected. We work to help these individuals develop and use their vision more effectively and to integrate it with the other senses.

Vision Related Learning Disabilities
Is your child smart, but having difficulties in school; especially with reading and writing? Could be they don’t have the needed visual skills for learning. 20/20 isn’t everything.

Work Related Visual Stress
Headaches, eyestrain, fatigue, can’t keep up with your peers? Today’s work environment requires an efficiently functioning visual system.

Brain Injury / Stroke / Concussion
Poor balance, dizzy, headaches, light sensitive, can’t go the store or busy environments. These can be vision problems too. We know how to help.

Special Needs Vision
Vision is our most important sense. When there are delays with the other senses there will be delays with vision. We help all individuals reach their maximum visual potential.

Poor Binocular Coordination
Clumsy, not good at sports, late riding a bike. Could be that your eyes aren’t teaming well.

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